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The TV that started a revolution.

February 23, 2011

I’m going to tell you a little story about the tv that changed the world.

It all started, innocently enough on Thanksgiving, two or three years ago. David had been eyeing a big screen tv. We still had the one we inherited from my father when he died back in 1990. It was big and the power button was broken and it sat in a very 1990’s armoire in our living room.

As far as I was concerned, it was fine. It worked. Why bother with the money and expense of a new one when this one worked?

Well, you know, Mr. Technology had other plans in mind.

So, he scoured the Black Friday sales fliers and set his mind on one from Best Buy. I can’t even tell you the specs on it, even though it now hangs on my bedroom wall because that’s how much I just don’t care about tvs.

But, Mr T does.

So, he gets up at 4 in the morning and makes his coffee and heads out in the dead of night to Best Buy. There’s a line.  A BIG one. But he waits and he gets in the store and finds they are out of said tvs, BUT if he drives 20 minutes to the warehouse he can get one there. So he does, and there’s a big snafu that I won’t get into because it’s not really part of my story, and he comes home with said tv all before I even woke up.


Except now….it doesn’t fit in the crappy armoire which is broken and we hate anyway, so I decide for my Christmas present, I would like to pick out the furniture it will sit on. So I do. A lovely piece from Crate and Barrel. Hooray! Except….

Well, now our couch looks like hell. So find a leather sectional (I know vegan police. Shut up. I have children who barf on occasion on the couch and that is just disgusting on upholstery.) But, before we have the couch delivered, what are we going to do about the carpet that is REALLY disgusting? I have allergies and I loathe carpeting, so lets put in wood floors. But if we are going to do them in the living room, we should really install them in the office and dining room as well…and refinish the existing ones. Oh and since we are redoing the floors, shouldn’t we paint the walls as well?

Uh huh. See what happened there? Suddenly that $400 savings isn’t looking so good.


I have a lovely place to live, now. So I’m happy, even though I didn’t give a hoot about the tv.

You know I am getting to something here, right?

Take one step to make yourself healthier. One step. You can do that!

You don’t have to go whole hog, kale juice drinking, raw foods, infra red sauna sitting, rebounder for your lymph system, no sugar, no wheat, no dairy, no meat crazy.

One step.

And pretty soon, you are going to WANT to try the next thing. That’s the way it goes. You see results from one choice, and you make another to support it and pretty soon you are doing all those other things and you feel fantastic and your life has changed. Just like that. From one stupid black Friday tv.

I didn’t start out to be the health nazi. I took one allergy test to try and stop the migraines and the rest just followed. One step at a time, at MY pace, as I was ready. It took years. And I’m still working on it…still looking for new ways, still changing and evolving, but if you’d told me 10 years ago that I would be doing all those things I mentioned..I’d think my future self was a nut ball. (Nut Balls, Martha!) You might think I am crazy.

BUT…no sinus infections. No migraines. No depression or anxiety or all those other things that plagued me in my…um…youth? And you know what? Though I hate when people say, Oh, I really don’t look my age, because you know what…sometimes they DO but you can’t tell them that, BUT, I think I am looking pretty damn good for my age, though I won’t say I look 30. I mean, if YOU want to tell me that you can and I might reward you with girl scout cookies or something, but I would NEVER say it myself.


You can do it.

oh…and you might have noticed I mentioned in passing, that the tv was hanging in my bedroom. Not the living room. Well, there might have been another black friday sale the following Thanksgiving…And boy, my house looks great!

One Comment leave one →
  1. February 23, 2011 2:38 am

    This is EXACTLY how I feel about running and exercise. Just take that first step towards that first mile. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling so good—a NATURAL HIGH—that you’ll want to register for your first 5K, then 8K, then 1/2 marathon, Boot Camp, marathon, etc. It’s definitely that domino effect you’re talking about!

    And it’s WAY more fun than spending the money on fixing up a house. At least in my opinion. 🙂

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